Friday, May 29, 2009

The Story Of Qui Ju

The Story of Qui Ju is a film about one womans quest to find justice. The only problem is that the person she is seeking justice from is pretty much invincible when it comes to the law. Qui Ju's husband gets kicked in the groin by the cheif of their village. Because of this she fears that he will not heal correctly and they will not be able to have another child.

Qui Ju goes to all levels of law in order to get this case settle and find the justice she is searching for. Each time she wins but is unhappy with the decision mainly because it just states that the chief must pay for her husbands medical bills and lost wages and contains nothing about an appology. The money is unimportant to Qui Ju she just wants the Chief, Wang Shantang, to make a formal appology for his actions toward her husband, Wan Qinglai. In order to appeal the decisions each time she must travel far into the city. This is very expensive and she has little money so her and her sister must sell the chiles they have been growing in order to get around.

After many trips and meeting with the director of the courts it comes down to a court hearing. Qui Ju hires and attourney for the hearing, but she ends up losing in court. The only thing left to do is to try and charge Wang Shantang with assualt. In order to do that there would have to be evidence that her husband was injured. At the request of the peoples court Wan Qinglai goes for an x-ray. Instead of waiting for the results of the x-ray he leaves due to the fact that Qui Ju is going into labor. During birth the baby gets stuck and Qui Ju starts losing alot of blood. With everyone in the village at the opera and no one to turn to Wan Qinglai turns to the chief for help.

At first the cheif does not want to be of assistance and tells him to go ask the court for help. Then eventually the cheif helps and get Qui Ju the help that she needs. She gives birth to a baby boy, if it had not been for the chief the baby probably would have died. In a following scene there is a party for the newborn child. You see everyone but the chief, the chiefs wife shows up and tells them he is still home getting ready. Suddenly Officer Li comes to speak to Qui Ju and Wan Qinglai. He informs them that the x-rays came back showing that Wan had broken a rib during the altercation with the chief and that it was enough evidence to charge the cheif with assualt. He then says that the police have taken the chief away for 15 days of detainment. Shocked by the news Qui Ju tells him that all she ever wanted was an appology and leave the party running for the chiefs house but she arrives too late. The film ends there.

This film was a great story with an even more important lesson. It teaches you not to press charges on people unless it is absolutely necessary and to always consider the worst outcome and the firs outcome. The fact that the chief was wrong for what he did is clearly evident. However, it is still unnecessary for him to spend time in jail over it. I think that Qui Ju shows that she is sorry in the closing seconds of the film however she is too late. She realizes the mess she has caused. Sometimes there is no way of completely resolving a situation exactly to your expectations but there is always a way to make a comprimise and put it behind you. This is what Qui Ju could not do for the entire film, except for the very end but by then it was too late.

Overall i enjoyed the film i just think that it could have been better if you say the actual argument between the chief and Wan Qinglai I think it would give the viewers a better idea for what actually happened in the altercation even though the details of it are irrelevant to the plot and theme of the story. There really was not one scene that stood out from the others this film did contain a great story but the cinematography was nothing to exciting it was fairly basic and could have used a little more style.

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