Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Yi Yi- Taiwan

After viewing Yi Yi it took me a bit of time to digest everything that had happened over the course of the film. It starts off with marraige and ends in death, however there is alot of life's lessons that happen in between. Birth, reunion, love, loss, hardtimes, and most of all family. NJ is faced with many of these struggles that everyone will go through at one point in their life. However NJ is forced to go through them all at once rather than one at a time. At the point in NJ's life that the film takes place NJ is faced with hardtimes in the workplace, being reunited with his first love 30 years later, having his mother in the hosital in a coma, and ultimately the challenge of keeping everything together while everything around him is falling apart.

There are many stories with in the film that capture just who the other characters and family memebers are by displaying the struggles that they encounter throughout the film. NJ's wife is fighting her own personal struggle with happiness, after looking at her life she feels empty as if she hasn't accomplished anything. His daughter is dealing with her first love and is going through emotional swings that make things hard for her when trying to find a boyfriend. Yang Yang, NJ's 8 year-old son is facing some hardtimes at school with the teachers, aswell as trying to find the answers to many of life's questions Yang Yang looks to his father for answers about life and why certain things are the way they are.

Everyone in the story is going through one of life's struggles and all of their struggles ultimately come back to NJ. NJ being the strong individual that he is manages to keep his composure through all of the struggles.

My favorite scene in the film is the closing scene. It is an extremely touching scene that directly depicts one of life's lesson being learned in the moment. It is Yang Yang the 8 year-old dealing with the death of his grandmother and saying his last goodbye to her. You can tell he does not fully understand where she has gone, but he knows she is gone. There are parts in Yang Yang's speech to his grandmother where he explains what she has taught him and how he wants to be able to teach people the same things one day when he is older. This is a very sad yet touching moment in the film that reflects on family values as you see the father holding the daughter while the son in standing before his grandmothers memorial. Here is the Scene:

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